Real Estate Listings: Video Tours Vs. Virtual Tours

If you’ve ever looked at a real estate listing or an apartment listing, you’ve likely checked out a virtual tour in your time. And if you’re a real estate agent, it’s likely you have experience with virtual tours – maybe even your own – as well. What is a virtual tour? It’s not the same as a video tour.

A virtual tour is a tour comprised of stitched together images. While the home buyer can somewhat navigate through a home for sale using these images, the experience is jerky and does not show the home in the best light. In addition, home buyers are simply not as impressed with virtual tours as they used to be, now that online video is so prevalent.

The benefits of using a video tour instead of a virtual tour include:

1. Videos are easily uploaded to social video sharing websites like YouTube for free, where they can be shared and utilized to drive traffic to your website.

2. You can narrate over a video and edit it to show the home in the best possible light, while directing attention towards the best features of the home.

3. Home buyers are coming to expect video tours and virtual tours are being perceived as old, outdated technology.

4. Sellers being represented by a real estate agent using video tours will quickly realize their agent is going the extra mile to get their listing as much exposure as possible, and it will set the real estate agent apart from their competition.

Even easier is to simply outsource your video tours and hire a video production company who knows how to make a great video tour and who already has their own professional-quality equipment.

Heather Rose
iPhone: 647.448.5804
Home: 416.546.5104


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