Types of Steadicams in the video equipment industry


The steadicam is a type of camera mount that is worn as a harness by camera operators making movies. The steadicam prevents any shakiness on the camera operator’s part from making it into the finished film. All steadicams rely on a Gimbal system, which is a special pivoted support that allows complete rotation using ball bearings.

There are several different types of steadicam systems for stabilizing the camera:

Merlin Steadicam

The Merlin steadicam is an extremely light-weight camera mount that is meant for small, hand-held cameras. The newest version of the Merlin uses six ball bearings and is suitable for cameras weighing up to 7.5 lbs. The Merlin is light and flexible, with an arm and vest that are among the thinnest and lightest available. The Merlin is best suited to hold cameras up to 5 lbs, such as those smaller hand-held cameras normally used to shoot news and documentaries.

Professional Video

Steadicams offers a large selection of models for professional video shoots, including Phantom, Archer, Clipper, Zephyr, Tango, Pilot and Scout, with Pilot and Scout also available in HD versions.

The Pilot is suitable for cameras in the 2 to 10 lbs weight range, while other models are compatible with progressively larger cameras. The Zephyr works with 9 to 23 lbs, the Scout works with 5 to 18 lbs, the Tango with 5 to 24 lbs, the Archer works with 12 to 50 lbs and the Clipper with 35 lbs.

Each of these steadicams has different specifications and mobility, as well as different pricing to best suit all types of professional video production.

Professional Film Camera Stabilizer

Steadicam has a major place in the motion picture industry, and offers four models for professional film applications: the Ultra2, the Ultra2C, the Phantom and the Clipper 324.

These models each offer something different. The Phantom is cost-effective, for example, but the Ultra2C offers more options to the camera operator than any other steadicam.

If you are a filmmaker and are interested in learning more about the steadicam, check out their website at http://www.tiffen.com/film.html. Click here for rental video equipment information.