4 Ways for Creators to Get an Audience

Hello creators, I’m a filmmaker that is in the process of completing a new short movie. Check out our Movie Trailer below! If you like our work, don’t forget to share this post. This article will explain how to get more than just your parents to watch your film and actually get some exposure online! The material that I’m sharing is based on my own testing, observations, conversations with professionals in the industry, and research that I am currently trying out with my own project. I also own a production company and we’ve done work for many well known clients. I hope […]

How to Get Your Youtube Video Noticed

You’ve shot something, it’s fantastic, and you think it might just make you a YouTube celebrity overnight. However, getting your video ranked on Google as well as YouTube is essential to receiving the most views. YouTube has its own internal search engine, and Google is putting video results at the top of its first page. Google’s algorithms are exceptionally intelligent and always changing, but there are some techniques you can use to take advantage of how search engines work. Here are some tips for search engine optimizing (SEO) your video should include: Use title tags and key words effectively in […]

Regular 8mm Film to DVD Transfer

  Regular 8mm film transfer to DVD In this example, we show how our machine can safely transfer your old films to DVD. It is done without setting up boxes with mirrors, or projecting your film onto a wall and recording it with a camcorder which would create an unprofessional  flicker effect. We transfer your film straight to DVD. The camera is approximately 4″ away from the gate. We use low heat LED light technology, and sprocket free design so your film won’t be ripped apart if the sprockets were not set up properly. The machine was built with the film being fed through […]