Film Your Family Videos Like a Pro

 This blog will teach you how to get the best possible picture quality with the equipment you have. Whether it’s a DSLR or a mobile phone, you will be handling and operating the camera in the same way. Nowadays there are so many gadgets  out there with which you can record videos; from cell phones, to tablets, webcams to digital recorders, and DSLRs. Today families record more videos than ever before, it is essential to save your memories for future generations. Think about how important it was for you to keep your parent’s old photographs. When the time comes, your children will appreciate those moments as […]

3 Important Ways on How to Keep Your Memories

Once you have transferred your videos onto DVD or digital. Its important to know how to make sure that they will last as long as possible. Even if you haven’t get a chance to transfer your home videos, there are certain measures to keep your tapes safe until you’re ready. Here are the three ways to store your tapes longer: 1) Store them in a dry cool place, such as a closet. Moisture will damage the magnetic tape, if you have VHS, Hi8, or MiniDV mediums as your storage preference. They will also damage hard drives and DVDs over time as well. […]