mpeg stremclip

3 Top Reasons Why We Use This to Convert Videos

Do you have tons of video files that needs to be converted onto Youtube or Vimeo and share online? Although these websites can support most formats, they do have recommended files that they would like to accept. MPEG Streamclip is a great software where it can do just that. You can convert your videos to different formats. The software is free to download from It is compatible for MAC or PC. Once you have downloaded and installed onto your computer, its fairly easy to use. Here are the top reasons why we like using MPEG Streamclip. #1) Need footage from a […]

The Best Way to Find Out What to Transfer Your Videos Onto

Are you confused on what to convert your family videos onto? There are a lot or video formats out there and it can get confusing. However, if you know exactly what you want the final output to be, you can nail it down to one format. Here is a simple breakdown of the most popular formats you can transfer to: 1) DVD Video – This format can be played on a DVD player, PC & MAC. You can extract the information and convert it to a file format for editing in the future as well, however it can be time […]

Regular 8mm Film to DVD Transfer

  Regular 8mm film transfer to DVD In this example, we show how our machine can safely transfer your old films to DVD. It is done without setting up boxes with mirrors, or projecting your film onto a wall and recording it with a camcorder which would create an unprofessional  flicker effect. We transfer your film straight to DVD. The camera is approximately 4″ away from the gate. We use low heat LED light technology, and sprocket free design so your film won’t be ripped apart if the sprockets were not set up properly. The machine was built with the film being fed through […]

Using Video to Boost Your Website in 2012

  If you’ve decided that one of your major New Year’s resolutions for 2012 was to grow your business, consider using video on your website. Even the smallest businesses can benefit from online video marketing. Video marketing campaigns have proved extremely successful for large and small businesses alike, no matter what you are selling. You can use video to introduce a new product, highlight the benefits of your service, showcase customer testimonials, or provide information on how to use your product. Videos can also be shared a number of ways, making them an accessible form of communication for your clients […]