
3 Ways to Preserve Your Family History

Fig 1. Mold built up on the magnetic tape inside a VHS case. Azure Production have been transferring videos for over a eighteen years. We have received many formats such as VHS, Hi8 and film in various conditions. The most popular service is to transfer VHS to digital formats at the highest quality possible. Before your transfer begins, we inspect the tape’s integrity, approximately 10% of the tapes we receive are in need of repairs, or cleaning. Sometimes we see mold built up around the spool, or damaged cases. (Fig. 1) Most magnetic tapes can last a very long time. […]

3 Tips on How to Film Great Home Movies

Summer is almost over! Footage from families are starting to pile up in everyone’s homes. As technology advances, it’s also easier to film anything at almost any moment. I mean, who wants to not film their children grow & share it? Check out some tips below on how to get the best possible footage from your hand held device, cell phone or DSLR! 1) Slow smooth shots: After transferring home movies for many years, the worst videos are when the camera is zooming in and out, panning and tilting everywhere with no sense of direction. It makes the audience feel […]

Video Problems? Check your heads

What is a video head? A video head is a component in a video camera or VCR that scans the video tape when the tape is being played or when the device is recording. Video heads are small ferrite chips that touch the tape in order to play or record information. When and why should you clean a video head? Video heads can get dirty, resulting in a snowy picture or no picture at all. Cleaning video heads should not be performed as a type of maintenance or done frequently, as this can lead to wear. Cleaning video heads should […]

How to Transfer Your Vacation Videos to A Computer

Have you recently been on vacation and want to make sure your vacation videos are safely stored on an external hard drive? Transfer them onto computer An external hard drive is a great piece of equipment that is portable and kept separately from your computer. They tend to have plenty of space and will offer your previous files safe haven should anything happen to your computer. There are a number of different ways to transfer your videos, all depending on how you took the videos in the first place. We’ve enclosed some great video and article links that show you […]