What is the difference between 35mm film and IMAX film?

Michael Bay’s transformers was shot almost entirely in IMAX. Seeing an IMAX film is an experience like none other, with a screen so large it feels like you’re moving along with the movie. But how do they do it? 35mm film is the type of film found in movie theaters around the world, while IMAX film is twice the size at 70mm, offering about 8 times the resolution of regular film. [text-box width=”100%” align=”center”] Ask Us About Video Production! We create videos and tell stories. Get Started >> [/text-box] IMAX films are shown on screens that are usually 52 feet […]

Specialized Equipment For Transferring Film

  As VHS video players become more obsolete and people with large video collections realize they need to transfer their films over before they degrade in quality, transferring film to DVD becomes a more sought-after service. There are a multitude of online videos that teach you how to transfer your VHS tapes or older film reels onto DVDs as a do-it-yourself project. This is a neat idea, but not necessarily the best value for your money even when considering you’re doing it yourself. How a do-it-yourself film to dvd transfer works is a projector plays the film on a flat […]

How to Transfer Film to DVD

Transferring film to DVD yourself is possible, although it is time consuming and requires additional equipment you may not have, such as a film projector. In actuality, the majority of fly-by-night companies or individuals who sell film to DVD transfer services do it this way too. Do-It-Yourself Film to DVD Transfer You will need: A piece of paper (preferably matte photo paper) A film projector (preferably a variable speed projector, but these can cost several hundred to a thousand dollars)Camcorder Tripod Scotch tape Tape the piece of matte photo paper to the wall. Aim your projector and digital video camera […]