• Best Paris Films of the Last 25 Years

    Posted on by M. Moretti in Featured Articles, Video Editing, Video Production | Comments Off on Best Paris Films of the Last 25 Years

    So in exactly 1 month I will be headed to Paris and France for the very first time. Here’s a list of the films I’ll be watching to get even more excited for Paris, and you should check them out too. As usual, there’s some favorites, and some you might not have heard of on here. Enjoy! Amelie Not only one of the best Paris films of all time, this is also one of the most beautiful films of all time. The cinematography, color scheme and of course, Audrey Tatou as the title character, are flawless. If you can handle the subtitles one watch will put this film on your favorites list. Available on Amazon Instant Video. Before Sunset Having never seen this follow up to Richard Linklater’s landmark Before Sunrise, I can’t make any promises. However, given the intelligence and emotional depth of both lead actors in the first film, …