What I learned During my Co-op at Azure Production

I began my Co-op program at Azure 6 months ago in December of 2015. My time here has helped to confirm my interest in the video industry.  I learned a lot about different equipment, programs to edit with, and ways to improve my work. Above all I learned the importance of being resourceful, diligent, and personable. Although I may not have all these traits, this is a goal for me to strive for. When I had arrived at Azure I thought that I knew a lot about how to shoot videos, only to realize that there is a lot more going on behind […]

Use Past Mistake To Better Your Future Work

On April 16, 2016 I competed in the Ontario Technical Skills Competition Qualifiers. 16 teams that had also won their regional competitions then gathered at Humber college to compete. The goal was to create a 30 second PSA about how to reduce your carbon footprint. Unfortunately, my partner and I did not place so we could not move on. While editing our PSA I noticed that we had made some mistakes when we were shooting, and due to time constraints were unable to go back and re-shoot the scenes. I noticed that there were some out of focus shots, and some […]

What to Watch at Hot Docs 2016

With one week left in the Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival it can be a bit daunting to look at the schedule and choose some films to see. Below are my top picks and some special mentions. Check It: Tired of being physically and verbally abused a group of LGBT youth in Washington D.C. form a gang to defend themselves, and soon the numbers grow to 200. Even the trailer is alive with their energy and defiance. Although I doubt it will be as funny, I’m picking up some serious Paris is Burning vibes. Cheer Up: This film looks […]

Tips to be More Eco-Friendly as a Filmmaker

With the increasing concern everyone should be doing everything in their power to protect  the environment. As  filmmakers there are plenty of things you can do when shooting on set or editing at home. No matter what scene  you’re shooting you will most likely be using artificial lighting. Leaving the lights on throughout the entire shoot is bad for the environment and the lights. Turn the lights off when they are not in use. This will help save energy as well as increase the life span of your bulbs. Another thing you can do to save energy is to try […]