How to Choreograph Fights on a Budget

How to choreograph awesome low budget fight scenes with no experience! If you’re an independent filmmaker, it can be difficult to co-ordinate a fight sequence that looks polished. Below are a few do-it-yourself steps to ensure that you can create the best fight scenes for your independent film project. We are working on a short film and our actress had no prior experience in fight choreography. However, she was really good at controller her body. We were able to use clever editing techniques and easy fight movements with less than 45 minutes of rehearsal time to create an entertaining combat scene. […]

Professional video editing & production services in Toronto

Do you have a video that needs a bit of a professional touch before it’s ready for the masses? Whether it’s a video for marketing purposes, your latest conference or expo caught on film, a training video, educational video, a wedding video or a video of a family gathering, we can help you put the final touches on your video piece with professional video editing. All videos have a different message, whether that message is to share, inform, entertain or educate. Professional video editing will ensure that message gets across in an effective manner. If your film needs to tell […]