Slow Motion Filming – video production videos

We all know that high speed cameras can create gorgeous slow-motion effects when it comes to filmmaking. But that’s not all that’s involved.

The Marmalade, a film company that specializes in slow-motion filming, has released a beautiful and informative new video on their techniques.

For example, before the company knows whether or not flat storyboard drawings will work on film, they head to their studio and test out their ideas. They repeatedly test all of their processes – bottles crashing to the floor, for example, to be sure that the idea transfers well over to film.

It’s not all about film when it comes to slow motion.

Marmalade also has custom made rigs that spin, turn, crash – you name it, so that every effect is perfect. They’ve also got a model laboratory that can make any kind of dummy prop, including food items that look absolutely real.

They’ve also developed their own software, called Spike. Spike is easily programmable and allows the production crew to program the camera to move any way they want – in a circle, backwards, forwards, left or right. This allows Marmalade to get the shot and for shots to still look just as good even while the camera is moving back and forth, rather than just having a still, slow-motion image.

Digital artists go over the final product, implementing a slew of effects until the piece is exactly what the client wants – or completely above their expectations.

Check out the video for yourself and prepare to be amazed! It’s a fascinating process.

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