How to Transfer Your Vacation Videos to A Computer

Have you recently been on vacation and want to make sure your vacation videos are safely stored on an external hard drive? Transfer them onto computer

An external hard drive is a great piece of equipment that is portable and kept separately from your computer. They tend to have plenty of space and will offer your previous files safe haven should anything happen to your computer.

There are a number of different ways to transfer your videos, all depending on how you took the videos in the first place. We’ve enclosed some great video and article links that show you how to do it.

Some of these links below tell you how to put the videos or photos onto your computer only, but once you’ve got them on your computer you only need to plug your external hard drive into your computer and drag and drop them into the hard drive icon on your desktop (or drive if you are a PC user).

How to Transfer Videos from your iPod/iPhone onto a Hard Drive (for Mac users)

How to Transfer Pictures/Video to your Computer from your Digital Camera

How to Transfer Videos from a Camcorder to Computer

How to Transfer Pictures/Video to your Computer from your iPhone (for PC users)

If your needed method of transferring your vacation videos is not mentioned on the above list, contact us! We would be happy to help. Video to computer transfer.

Heather Rose
iPhone: 647.448.5804
Home: 416.546.5104
photo credits: eHow


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