How to shoot red carpet photos


The Oscars are coming up in February, it may be too early for some people to think about shooting red carpet photos, but now is the best time to prepare yourself.  Shooting celebrity fashion and red carpet photos are unlike any typical photography photographers normally experience. It’s fast pace, cut throat, loud and bright. With all this competition missing a good photo opportunity can make or break your career.

On a TV show premier the number of photographers that you’re typically competing with can range from 8 to 10, while on a large block buster release, you’re sometimes looking at over 100 photographers. You will start to notice the same faces and filter the enemies from your friends.

Being prepared is very important. By thinking in advance of the shots you anticipate to take will help make the difference. So when it comes time to shooting, all you have to do is concentrate on pressing that button.

Lighting conditions can be tricky, as there are thousands of light bulbs flashing on and off, it can create unwanted lighting conditions on your subjects. If you’re shooting in low light, make sure they are not standing in front of anything, otherwise, the background will be lit as well when your flash goes off. Sometimes you might be able to lean over to get the proper shot.

Getting the celeb’s attention is probably one of the most difficult things when being a celebrity / red carpet photographer. Some people yell at the top of their lungs, which is just not nice. It’s sometimes just good to be patient and get the celeb’s real eye contact with your genuine smile.

Check out My Fash Avenue to see her weekly outfits of the day and who her worst and best celebrities are! It will give you an idea of some of the red carpet photographers are currently taking today.


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