Best Films Nominated at the Oscars

oscars 2014 films & actorsOscar season is upon us once again, with another batch of phenomenal films nominated for Best Picture. The Oscars are this coming Sunday, and will be the 86th Academy Awards ceremony.

Ellen Degeneres is hosting, and the list of presenters for the Oscars has also been announced, be sure to check out who you’ll get to see presenting here

American Hustle

Captain Phillips

Dallas Buyers Club





12 Years a Slave

The Wolf of Wall Street

Many of the actors and actresses in these films are also nominated for Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress. Be sure to check out all of the nominations at the Oscar website here

Will you be watching the Oscars? They’re on ABC on March 2nd, 2014 at 7 p.m.

How many of these Best Picture-nominated films have you seen?