Save image at a minimum of 300 dpi or more. Cover hole with artwork on the disc. Artwork can be submitted via email submission below or hard copy. We accept PDF, PSD, ESP, PNG, JPG & TIFF
Blu Ray | DVD | CD Templates
Standard 39mm[/one-third][one-third]
Thermal 22mm[/one-third][one-third last=”true”]
Shaped CD: 55MB, DVD: 396MB[/one-third]
CD Covers | Traycards Templates
1 Panel Up to 2 Sides[/one-third][one-third]
2 Panel up to 2 Sides[/one-third][one-third last=”true”]
Blu Ray | DVD Covers | Cases Templates
14mm Case Holds 1-6 Discs[/one-fourth][one-fourth]
Fatpack Holds 3-10 Discs[/one-fourth][one-fourth]
Slimline 7mm[/one-fourth][one-fourth last=”true”]
1 Panel Insert[/one-fourth]
2 Panel Booklet[/one-fourth][one-fourth]
3 Panel Folder[/one-fourth][one-fourth]
Blu Ray Case[/one-fourth][one-fourth last=”true”]
Blu Ray 2 Panel Insert[/one-fourth]
CD Covers | Traycards Templates
5″ Design 1000[/one-third][one-third]
Design 2023[/one-third][one-third last=”true”]