Is it cheaper to duplicate or replicate large amounts of CDs and DVDs?

When producing copies of CDs and DVDs, video production companies generally offer two options: duplication or replication. Both of these processes create copies of an original CD or DVD, but they create these copies in slightly different ways. During replication, a blank CD is “stamped” to create an exact copy or the original, similar to a copy machine that creates exact copies of one page. During duplication, the process is similar to that of a printer: a whole new copy is made each time. Of these different processes, replication is a better choice for larger quantities of CDs and DVDs […]

Why Use A Professional Video Production Company In Toronto Part II

When considering how to map out your next video production project, working with a professional video production team may be the best option for getting your message across effectively to the consumer. Some home video equipment comes with editing software, but we’ve all seen home videos of holidays or weddings where scenes fade in and out with a frosted effects screen or take a few seconds to focus on and blur the subject before finally finding the right settings. Professional video production companies have professional-grade editing software at their disposal, along with the exceptional skills with regards to how to […]

HOPE – Short thriller starring Mindy Eklove, Chris Public, directed by Caine Chow

Hello everyone! Just want to tell you that we’re working on a new project that began in November 2010. Its a 10 minute short action thriller with adventure and romance thrown in to it. Compared to anything else we’ve done in the past, this film will rely heavily on visual effects. The movie is about how humans have exhausted the Earth’s natural resources and now we have no choice but to leave the planet. A few hand picked individuals are chosen to help establish our new society far far away. Out of desparation, many people try to fight there way to evacuate from Earth. We follow […]

Why Use A Professional Video Production Company In Toronto Part I

With the video equipment options available to the average consumer these days, it’s not a stretch to believe that tacking your own video production projects could be a piece of cake. While new technology makes it easier for pretty much anyone to shoot video, a lot can be said for the value that a professional video production company can bring to your project. Professional video production companies are able to produce quality video in a short time. If you need a video for marketing pr promotional materials, this can save financial headaches in the long run by maximizing your video […]