Planning A Wedding In Toronto? Consider A Professionally Produced Wedding Video!

Spring is almost here in Toronto, and many couples will soon be tying the knot. While a great and professional wedding photographer is usually a given, your cousin in the 10th row videotaping the ceremony and reception on their shaky handheld won’t result in the memories you’re looking for – guaranteed. A professional wedding video producer acts as the editor, cinematographer, sound person, producer, director and lighting technician all at once – not something everyone can do. You’ve probably gone over countless photography portfolios looking for the perfect photographer and wouldn’t think twice about not hiring one or maybe using […]

Tips For Filming Your Holiday Family Videos

The holiday season is upon us (and has been since August depending on the stores you  may frequent) and nearly every household has a collection of family holiday videos collecting dust on a shelf or in a drawer somewhere. How do you make sure your 2010 holiday videos are something you’ll enjoy watching later? Plan your video. To make editing easier and the final product that much better, spend a bit of time planning your video before you start. Do you want to capture the night before, what the kids are doing, visitors and family arriving at your home or […]

How A DVD Player Works

 It’s so easy to grab a DVD from the shelf and pop it into your DVD player to watch a movie. But do you know what’s going on in your DVD player when you watch a movie? A lot!   While the vinyl record seems outdated and is old technology, it’s actually quite similar to when you place a disc in your DVD player and press “play”. In fact, picturing a record player’s needle “reading” the grooves in each record can help you visualize how a DVD player works.   The DVD player uses a laser – instead of a needle – […]

Aspect Ratio and Film Formats

Video producers have a lot to choose from when it comes to how they film their productions and how they are ultimately displayed. Aspect Ratios One choice is the aspect ratio, which refers to the size or dimensions of a video as it is displayed on a screen. When referring to the size, the first number refers to the width and the second is the height. One common television dimension is 4×3, or the standard ratio that is used on televisions. Another is 16×9, which is used on high-definition televisions and movie screens. This format typically displays 1,920 pixels, although […]