Using Filters With Your Digital SLR For Video Production

 Photo from Using digital cameras for video production is quickly becoming a popular and affordable option for amateur and even professional filmmakers. In photography, there are a number of tricks that can be applied in Photoshop or other photofinishing software to achieve the look you need. There are similar effects that can be used in video production, but correctly using filters on your digital SLR camera for video production can help cut down on post-production time and cost. In short, digital SLR filters manipulate the light entering your camera’s lens to suit your filmmaking or photography needs. Neutral Density […]

Toronto film production and motion capture techniques

(image credit: Motion capture Motion capture is the process of using the motions, actions and sometimes expressions of a human actor and animating a computer-rendered model from those actions to move  a model exactly as the actor did. Further, camera movements and angles can be incorporated into the scene that are also used in the computer model. Motion capture is sometimes referred to as motion tracking, or mocap. In a motion capture session, the actor will don special markers and complete their performance. Motion sensors may also be applied all over the face to capture expressions, and this information […]

How Online Video Can Help Your Business

Nowadays, it’s easier than ever for businesses – big and small – to make videos and post them online. From using newer digital cameras or handheld camcorders to simple webcams, the video-making equipment and hosting (like free video hosting site YouTube) are cheaper than ever before. Why Use Online Video You can draw attention to your business and reach new customers through online video. Show off new products through demonstrations, discuss special upcoming events, raise awareness about your charity of choice or profile your favourite employees with online video on your blog. Videos are also easy to optimize for search […]

VHS Tapes Damaged? They Can Be Repaired

VHS tapes that have been damaged (or “eaten”) by VCRs can usually be repaired inexpensively and easily by a professional video production company. If the tape inside the video is broken, the video tape is jammed or the plastic shell of the video tape is cracked, having your VHS tape repaired shouldn’t be a problem. In some cases, VHS tapes that have been damaged by other means (such as dirt, grease, excessive heat, liquid, dust, mold and puppy teeth) can also be repaired. If the VHS tapes do have some kind of foreign substance on them, they should always be […]