Harper’s pet project – Libya

News & Media in Toronto written by Ian Chow: Libya is Harper’s new project to continue and follow in the wake of the military industrial complex. In my previous article, I mentioned the military industrial complex. This should briefly be explained to understand more of what is happening in Libya. The term was first used by Dwight D. Eisenhower on his exit speech on January 17, 1961which can be found here . He warns us of the misuse of this power at 8:30 The modern-day term “military industrial complex” can be simply put as: government, corporate, military and financial institutions all playing a role […]

Occupy Economics; is the system broken?

News & Media in Toronto written by Ian Chow: In response to the CBC article written about the occupation Occupy Economics; is the system broken? Posted Oct 17, 2011, written by Don Pittis: There were some important issues raised here. Especially about bailing out banks. But there are many more that couldn’t be covered under the span of the CBC article. But first to answer the bailing out question: “So was it a good idea to spend $800 billion in taxpayer cash to bail out the U.S. banks? Is it a good idea for the Europeans to do it all over again […]

Should you edit your video yourself?

There’s an abundance of at-home movie-making software available these days, and depending on the type of computer you have at home, some of this software may seem state-of-the-art. But do you know what you’re doing? The availability of this software can provide any small business owner the equipment to create a video in order to sell a product or inform their clients. But if it’s not edited properly, it may not have the impact you’re looking for – or provide the return on your investment that you had intended if you spent time and money creating the initial video. So […]

Transformers’ Outstanding Special Effects Created By Digital Domain

Transformers: Dark of the Moon came out on DVD and Blu-Ray this month, and if you’ve gotten around to picking it up you’re probably still in awe of the special effects and robot creations this third time around. As much as we love making movies, it’s always great to sit back and enjoy some real eye candy. All three Transformers movies are known for their spectacular special effects and computer-generated creatures, robots and action scenes. These creations, which included unique characters and objects, were created by Academy Award-winning special effects company Digital Domain – not insignificant when you consider that […]