How Does a 8mm Film Projector Work?

Film projection is a delicate process in which the scanner takes the film mounted on its supply reel and passes it through the film gate by using its sprockets.  The gate is an opening in the machine where light shines through onto the film. Sprockets are small holes on one side of the film strip to guide the film through the gate. As each still frame passes the gate, the light shines the frames at high speed (24 frames per second), it then projects it onto the screen through a series of lenses and the user can adjust the focus. When this happens, […]

Specialized Equipment For Transferring Film

  As VHS video players become more obsolete and people with large video collections realize they need to transfer their films over before they degrade in quality, transferring film to DVD becomes a more sought-after service. There are a multitude of online videos that teach you how to transfer your VHS tapes or older film reels onto DVDs as a do-it-yourself project. This is a neat idea, but not necessarily the best value for your money even when considering you’re doing it yourself. How a do-it-yourself film to dvd transfer works is a projector plays the film on a flat […]

Azure Production in South Korean Film Festival

December 10, 2011, Azure Production had the opportunity to have their work shown internationally. Sanirang, a rock climbing school based out of Seoul, South Korea helped sponsor the Reel Rock Tour. Azure Production created a 2 minute spot for Sanirang. For 2 minutes it showed cased Sanirang’s specialties; climbing school, guided tours and creating a tight community of expat climbers. The video ran repeatedly before the festival started in the main auditorium, intermission and also ran continuously in the reception hall.  A number of climbers of Sanirang’s community present at the showing were excited to see themselves on the big screen, at the […]

Super 8 film to DVD transfer service sample

  Here is another sample of a super 8mm film to DVD transfer that we do here. The machine we use is a advance sprocket less device. It has an LED light in which it won’t burn the film unlike a traditional projector. The speed is adjusted so that there is no flickering when the footage is being captured. We don’t go through any complicated box & mirror set-ups, so your footage is as clear as can be. The camera is locked down and about 4 inches away from the film giving superior transfer results at all times.