Slow Motion Filming – video production videos

We all know that high speed cameras can create gorgeous slow-motion effects when it comes to filmmaking. But that’s not all that’s involved. The Marmalade, a film company that specializes in slow-motion filming, has released a beautiful and informative new video on their techniques. For example, before the company knows whether or not flat storyboard drawings will work on film, they head to their studio and test out their ideas. They repeatedly test all of their processes – bottles crashing to the floor, for example, to be sure that the idea transfers well over to film. It’s not all about […]

The Hollywood Film Restoration Process

When classic movies are re-released, they’re often advertised as being “restored”. What does this mean, and how do they do this? Universal, for example, is marking its 100th anniversary this year and has been restoring films since the 1990s. Technology is available today that allows film studios to go back to older movies and remove any small imperfections in the original film, not to detract from the original vision of the filmmakers but to make these imperfections less distracting and visible. Using the film’s original camera negative, every single frame of a film is turned into a digital frame that […]

Professional video editing & production services in Toronto

Do you have a video that needs a bit of a professional touch before it’s ready for the masses? Whether it’s a video for marketing purposes, your latest conference or expo caught on film, a training video, educational video, a wedding video or a video of a family gathering, we can help you put the final touches on your video piece with professional video editing. All videos have a different message, whether that message is to share, inform, entertain or educate. Professional video editing will ensure that message gets across in an effective manner. If your film needs to tell […]

CD & DVD Duplication / Replication for musicians and filmmakers

Are you a musician or a filmmaker? Sharing your work on YouTube is one way to each an audience, but nothing beats the look and feel of a quality-produced DVD or CD. Having your work professionally duplicated onto a DVD or CD as opposed to doing it yourself will provide you with a quality product worthy of showcasing your finished work once you’ve done all of the writing, shooting, editing or recording. You can always make your own CDs and DVDs at home, but you won’t be able to guarantee that they’ll play every time or look professional. In addition, […]