How to Make A Short Film For School

Making a short film for a school project seems like it could be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. You just need to be prepared. What kind of equipment will I need to make a short film? You won’t need as much equipment as you think you will if you are just making a short film for a school project. The process will go much more smoothly if you have everything you need in advance! You will need: A whiteboard, chalkboard or butcher’s paper to serve as a surface to block out scenes and visualize the film […]

How to Transfer Your Vacation Videos to A Computer

Have you recently been on vacation and want to make sure your vacation videos are safely stored on an external hard drive? Transfer them onto computer An external hard drive is a great piece of equipment that is portable and kept separately from your computer. They tend to have plenty of space and will offer your previous files safe haven should anything happen to your computer. There are a number of different ways to transfer your videos, all depending on how you took the videos in the first place. We’ve enclosed some great video and article links that show you […]

How Does Film Sound Work?

When you go to a movie theatre, producing perfectly synched sound that completely envelopes the room isn’t as simple as just playing an audio track.  There are two forms of analog sound: optical process and magnetic. In the early days of movies, many films used an optical process to create sound synched to the film. In the optical process, a clear line is recorded into one side of a film strip, and the line’s width changes according to the film’s sound frequency. A light shines through this strip, and the light transforms into an electrical current thanks to a photocell. […]

Panavision a History – 8mm projector & equipment

  At the end of many movies, one will see “filmed in Panavision” scroll by along with the rest of the credits. When a film production uses Panavision’s anamorphic lenses, they are contractually obligated to use the phrase in their credits. Anamorphic format is both a form of projection that requires an anamorphic lens to keep the aspect ratio of 2:1 as well as the technique of creating a widescreen picture on 35 mm film. The final print of the movie uses a 2:1 anamorphic projector lens, which expands the picture two times more horizontally than vertically, or 2:1. Panavision […]