
A Guide On How to Change VHS to Digital Formats

Change VHS to Digital: formats was essential for preserving valuable memories and ensuring their longevity. VHS tapes, once a popular medium for recording family events and favorite shows, became outdated and were highly susceptible to deterioration. Over time, the magnetic tape within VHS cassettes degraded, leading to diminished video and audio quality and eventually rendering the content unplayable. Factors such as exposure to heat, humidity, and repeated playback accelerated this degradation process. By transferring VHS content to digital formats, people safeguarded these memories against the inevitable decline associated with analog media. Digital formats offered superior durability and longevity compared to […]


3 Ways to Preserve Your Family History

Fig 1. Mold built up on the magnetic tape inside a VHS case. Azure Production have been transferring videos for over a eighteen years. We have received many formats such as VHS, Hi8 and film in various conditions. The most popular service is to transfer VHS to digital formats at the highest quality possible. Before your transfer begins, we inspect the tape’s integrity, approximately 10% of the tapes we receive are in need of repairs, or cleaning. Sometimes we see mold built up around the spool, or damaged cases. (Fig. 1) Most magnetic tapes can last a very long time. […]

Film Your Family Videos Like a Pro

 This blog will teach you how to get the best possible picture quality with the equipment you have. Whether it’s a DSLR or a mobile phone, you will be handling and operating the camera in the same way. Nowadays there are so many gadgets  out there with which you can record videos; from cell phones, to tablets, webcams to digital recorders, and DSLRs. Today families record more videos than ever before, it is essential to save your memories for future generations. Think about how important it was for you to keep your parent’s old photographs. When the time comes, your children will appreciate those moments as […]

5 Creative Ways to Edit Videos

 During our winter holiday, we had a chance to ride on I’d say the best downhill trails in Ontario. We’ve used a GoPro camera to capture the footage, we’re not pro snowboarders so we ended up mixing royalty free footage to make the edit more entertaining and epic! Here are the 5 tips on how you can use royalty free footage and music to add to your video’s creatively! #1) IT’S THE SOUND OF MUSIC – Finding music is one of the most important things in a GoPro video because GoPro cameras do not capture sound well. You will definitely need […]