
Developed by Sony and released in Japan in 1975, Betamax is a magnetic tape for video. It was the first home video format, families were able to record special moments and their daily lives. However, the VHS completely dominated the market, despite that the recording quality was lower, VHS tapes were more economical and had a longer recording time. Eventually, Betamax lost the videotape format war to VHS.

Discontinued in 2002, it’s extremely difficult to find a way to play a Betamax video. And since those home movies have a lot emotional value, it would be unfortunate to be unable to access the video content as the technology becomes obsolete. With time, tapes get dirty and starts to get moldy. This makes the quality of the video and audio significantly lower. Thus converting your Betamax tape to a digitized version will ensure your memories are preserved.


Access Your Memories in a Sustainable Way

Azure Production has more than 10 years of experience in converting Betamax tapes to digital format. Our goal is to deliver a reliable, resourceful, and confidential service. With our conversion services, you ensure your home movie will last you a lifetime. With a skilled and experienced team, you will convert your home movies in an efficient and affordable way.

Our process of conversion is very thorough. Once we have inspected your Betamax tape, we will check for exposure and audio levels by taking an average of the levels. Once the levels are properly set, we proceed to transferring the video to digital or DVD formats. The final step is to implement a three point checking system in which we search for technical anomalies by watching the beginning, middle and end for several seconds.

Your home video may have an overall better quality once the transfer is complete because of our Blackmagic hardware. Lastly, we either upload your video onto Google Drive for you to download directly or we provide the video to you in an external hard drive or USB key.


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