Editing Interviews for TIGP (Part 2)

Read the first part here.

Now that I have finished filming all the interviews I can start my editing process. I used Sony Vegas 12 to edit and color correct. The first thing I did when starting my editing process was to sort out all the clips into close ups, wide shots, and b-roll. I had also created a folder for the audio from my H4N Audio Recorder. I then dragged all the video clips into the timeline and paired the wide shot and the close up for each interview. Next, I dragged the rest of the audio clips for each interview into the timeline and paired those up.

I made sure everything was synced right.

After that I synced the audio and the video together by matching the waveform from the video and audio together. I find it’s easiest to sync clips together by looking for peaks in the audio that match the audio from the clips.

These are the peaks I’m looking for.

I had roughly 3 hours of footage to look through so I sat down and started watching. I set markers at any parts that I felt were interesting and could potentially be used. I went back to each part that I marked and cut out the usable footage. I continued this process until I was left with roughly 7 minutes of footage. I watched the video then tightened up all the cuts by eliminating any extra time at the beginning and end of each clip. Moving on to each  individual interview now.

I looked at each interview and cut out any of the parts I felt were unnecessary such as: long pauses and repeated words. Next I switch to a different camera angle when I needed to hide a cut.

I cut to a different angle when i needed to hide a cut.

I then needed to pick out the introduction and conclusion. The introduction needed someone to state what the video was about.So, I picked an interview where they restated the question I asked during the video. As for the ending, I wanted to leave the audience with something to think about. I chose an ending that was thought provoking and summarized the message I was trying to convey. The next step was to add some background music. The background music shouldn’t take away from who ever is talking but should add to the overall mood of the video. I picked a track that was upbeat and had a happy vibe to it. The original track wasn’t quite long enough so I had to loop some parts until it met the length I needed. I then proceeded to color correct each clip with Sony Vegas, and it’s built in plugins.I tried to give each clip a neutral look – not too cool and not too warm.  Once that was done I was ready to render!


Everything was ready for rendering!